So no-one jumped the gun back in the day ?? C'mon man .... Bottom line is the time back then is not as accurate as the time now ...
dude fuck off. UGBK just outlined it for you, you even say humans have a delayed reaction, whereas on electronic timers the start is connected to the gun going off. The burden is on you to prove something if you claim the opposite, which you can't because you are a know-nothing piece of filth who flails your 65 IQ around to places it doesn't belong. Now stop trolling me and go back to your steroids and hooked on phonics
I explained the difference above. Hand held times are quicker, you'll notice it easily by comparing times from back then
starters don't start their watches until after the gun goes off. The only anticipation comes at the end, when they anticipate crossing the finish line.
Fuck You ...... Anyone knows humans are not as accurate as electronic timers .... End of fuckin story .... The burden is on you to prove all the old time stamps are accurate ... You can't so you are shit out of luck ... I on the other hand believe electronic times are far more accurate then a human pressing a button ... I don't really think its necessary for me to try and prove that ..
your shitty logic is overwhelming. YOU claim handheld times could be slower than electronic, its on you to prove this. ANYONE will tell you handheld times are faster than electronic, so your original post in this thread is absurd at best. Whats necessary is for you to stop posting, in fact, stop taking in oxygen that could be going to someone who doesn't require the advanced bits of medication and care someone of your retardation must need.
C'mon , GTFOH ..... So you are telling me timers never attempted to click the watch at the same eact time the gun trigger was being pulled to be most accurate...
Let's try this. Let's me KO Joony and you can time how fast his body hits the floor. One guy with the handheld and the other with the digital. ::
THEY COULD BE ...... They could be anything .... They are not as accurate as electronic timers .... They could be skued ... Do you not agree human timers could not fuck times up ?? :doh: :notallthere:
no, thats a retarded assumption. Have you ever worked as a timer, have you ever seen what happens, they all gather and when they hear the gun or see smoke from the gun they click, then when the athlete gets to the finish line, they are there like hawks to click again. Handheld times are always faster than electronic
How are they faster ??? All the old times are slower ... Even if they get the start , they could delay at the finish .... Again , especially if you don't care for African Americans in the 1930's .... My point is , its possible .... Everyone knows its possible since there is human intervention and yet you still won't accept this ....:doh:
from Calvary Track and Field (FAT)= Fully Automatic Time (electronic time are more accurate than, hand times therefore a bit slower. Usually around 25/100's of a second. Hand-held stopwatches have become more accurate, but they depend on human judgement and reactions. This places an absolute limit on accuracy – times will be uncertain by at least 0.2 of a second. Over a 100 metres foot-race this is equal to an error of 2 metres. Such inaccuracy presents considerable difficulties. For example, in the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Australia's John Devitt and America's Lance Larson finished neck-and-neck in the final of the 100 metres freestyle swimming event. Two of the three first-place judges had Devitt as the winner, but two of the three second-place judges had Devitt second. Among the timekeepers there was no doubt: all three on Devitt's lane gave him 55.2 seconds, while the timekeepers on Larson's lane gave him 55.0, 55.1 and 55.1 seconds – all faster than Devitt.
Around 1970s when hand held times were still used in many competitions guys who ran 20,0 on hand held times usually ran about 20,40 or so measured electric. The delay in the start is even greater there since it takes time from the sound of the gun to travel across the field to the finishing lines. With electric pistol there is not that problem
Man I don't know. Everyone talks about guys like Jack Johnson, and Sam Langford and they act like these guys could come into today's heavyweight division and clean up. I've seen the little footage that exist of these old timers and they fight with their hands by their waist, waving around their hands like the Karate Kid trying to catch incoming punches. They had pretty bad technique back then. I'd honestly bet that Chad Dawson would knock out prime Jack Johnson and Sam Langford within 3 rounds.
Yeah but as I stated , they aren't as accurate as electronic times - especially if you don't want Mr. African American beating Mr. White guys time in the racial 1930's ... My point is , I never said Owens could or would beat any of the recent runners. Jaws on the other hand makes it out to be as if Owens would be better off waiting tables if he lived in this day and age. I do not agree with this. Coming form Jaws who also thinks Carlos Baldomir could beat the shit out of Sugar Ray Robinson & Jake LaMotta.
You are not allowed to trust what you see. What you need to so is to read the historians who talk about their astonishing technique and murderous power and then bash modern guys because their technique is not "astonishing" (since writers of now have seen it all before)
Ray Robinson, Henry Armstrong, Archie Moore, and a few others are on a short list of old-time fighters I could see doing well in this day and age no problem. But even Armstrong who I understand accomplished a lot seemed to have way too many defensive leaks (constantly moving in with his head down, hands low) that I think elite modern fighters would exploit. Those guys were great for their time, but it wouldn't be hard to see Chad Dawson knocking out Max Schemling if they fought today.
I completely understand your post - and agree to a point ... Now on the flip side though , you are talking about an era where Carlos Baldomir , Aturo Gatti , Antonio Tarver , Glen Johnson , Shannon Briggs , Jorge Arce , Ricky Hatton , Carlos Maussa , Kelly Pavlick , Jermain Taylor etc etc were all champions ... IMO Jack Johnson would out point Briggs ... I'm sure you could see other matchups that would be close or a win for old school against many many current fighters ...
I don't know man I could see a few of those guys really cleaning up in the old-timer days, especially Jermain Taylor, and Jorge Arce. Briggs would have a shot at KO'ing Jack Johnson and he is totally shit. I mean even a half decent guy like Ray Austin would probably have won a world title back then against guys like Sam Langford or Jack Johnson.
Arce has a horrible deffense and is very succeptable to being out boxed. Taylor , well I don't see Pavlick having more skill then LaMotta or a few others. Briggs , the guy throws 3 punches and can't breath .... Yeah , I guess if he landed right on Johnson , he could KO him but I only could see that happening 1 time out of 10 ... I'm not making this into anything. I just think there are plenty of old school guys who could beat some of our recent belt holders ... I mean seriously speaking , Carmen Basilio at 147 welter weight would have put Carlos Baldomir in the hospital .... Zab Judah as well ... The beating would have been worse and more clear then what Cotto gave him. He was a beast at 147 and was forced to fight at Middle weight because no-one wanted a piece of him. Some old school fighters at 140 would beat leaky deffense Hatton at his own game and hurt Gatti badly ...
How could they fix a footrace, Owens comes in first, regardless of the time, he wins, how the fuck if ur point about bias related to the timekeepers? your first post in this thread was and I quote, "Yet you neglect that Owens was timed on a hand held human finger pressed stop watch which could and most certainly was off by at least a few hundreds of second ... I'm betting if he was timed like runners are in this day and age , he might have pulled better times then he is given credit for ... You know , 10.2 is not far from 9.84 .... That easily could be skued from human error" DIRECT CONTRADICTION
Hey dick , just because he would come in first doesn't mean a time couldn't be skued. Perhaps the person in question was not even competing against him in that said race.. :doh: Dumb fuck ... With that said , there is no point is responding to the second half of your post.
No he's not .... He discusses things normally , not like a little young arrogant prick who still lives with mommy and daddy .... Unlike yourself , he doesn't think 147lb Carlos Baldomir would beat up 160lb Ray Robinson & Jake LaMotta just because they fought years ago.
LOL I love how the author spends like 3 paragraphs describing how Jack knocked around some total bums in sparring as if this is evidence of eternal greatness. "Touch of Sleep" KO3 Jack Johnson
dsimon writes: Gosh darn yeah!! As a matter of fact a regular swede like Ugo, or an average Pinoy like yourself could probably take one of these so called greats out in a few rounds or so. Those guys were practically neanderthals! It never occured to them to put their hands up, ain't that the bees knees? I tell ya I wish I could go back in time, I would be a genius as I told Sam or Leanard to put their hands up when the other guy comes in and stop swingin their arms! :eeeek: :eeeek: If you knew anything about fighting, you would know that the distance and timing changes a lot as other things changed in boxing. Those guys fought at different distances and they had to be able to fight in a much greater range of fighting distances. Some distances are such that you do not need a tight guard, and in order to throw a lot of feints your hands have to be held at a distance where the other guy can clearly see the potential for you to punch from any number of positions.
Maybe people are seeing things differently than I see them. You see these guys waving their arms around trying to slap each other's hands away, throwing punches from the hip, and wrestling for a whole round. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> Does that look like a guy who could compete with a David Haye? :dunno: