dsimon writes: Thats perhaps true. Rorian was really the one to watch on this account. In the early bouts. Rorian does not have the technical polish of some of the later guys but he does subtle things.... And thats my entredee to you my friend... Sometimes you have to look carefully and see subtlety. It can make the difference between a guy being good and great, between neutralizing and between getting your block knocked off. What I like about Rorian was his ability to use simple techniqes perfectly. He fought some monsters... not guys who were professional fighters but the kind of guys who like to hurt people bad. Johnson actually shows a lot of stuff that is amazing if you know what to look for. perfect example is in your clip when Burns comes in and Johnson stands there right in front of him without doing anything and totally stops Burns from attacking, just using footwork and proper weight placement. Trythat some time. From Grappling perspective you can throw people around like rag dolls if you can do this