fact is Floyd is NOT BIGGER than Hatton!! WHAT IS SO HARD TO GRASP????????????!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 FLoyd is a SMALL dude!! SMALL!! Hatton is thicker, thicker chest, arms, legs.. he carries 175 or so at times! Floyd is really more of a 140'lbder than Hatton!!
well.. maybe a LITTLE taller.. MAYBE his shoulders are a lil wider but Floyd is smaller in that his wrists, ankles.. his bones are really skinny! Floyd is SMALL!! Hatton is Much thicker!! Hatton has thicker bones WHAT IS SO HARD TO GRASP!!!!!?????11111
Here's what I've been reading from the Hatton fans. The only way Ricky can have any success is if he is way stronger and bigger then his opponents. Cause if he is not bigger or stronger then he can not compete against them and that's why he is 180lbs after fights and has to lose like 35-40lbs so that he can have the great physical advantage over his oponents. Not to mention when he enters into the ring he's most likely 2 weight classes bigger. I'll Holla 5000
Also agreed. Hatton's style is predicated on bullying with a strength advantage. Floyd has ALWAYS been strong, regardless of weight. When Hatton lost that advantage, he's lost. It's just what it is.
Agreed with all of you. Floyd and Hatton ca fight a 100 times, Floyd will always make Ricky his bitch.
I think they measured Hatton's speed using an OMEGASCOPE and proved he is actually much faster than Floyd
Witter: I'll fight hatton for 30% of the purse http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12183_3173395,00.html Willhatton avoid junior again?
I'd take 30% of a 5 million dollar purse too. Hatton doesn't want Witter to get a payday, it's not that he's scared of him. Even if Witter took 5% it would be his biggest payday.
<table id="table18" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><table id="table17" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"> </td> <td valign="top"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Hatton: "I Would Love To Knock Witter Out" “I'd love to knock him out and think I would. Witter is fighting well at the minute. He looks good but I'm not in the business of giving a big check and a profile to someone who has been slagging me off for years.†</td></tr></tbody></table>
He doesn't deserve more than 5% if you're basing it on who will actually be generating the revenue for this fight. :nono:
If Witter was smart, he'd make himself the man at 140. Then just make fun of Hatton every chance he got. Instead he just always come off sounding desperate.
Hatton is ducking Witter no matter how you look at it. Witter is no longer a nobody. he is a world champion at 140, For Hatton to reamain the best in his own division he has to start fighting the best in his division. That Tszyu win was years ago. Time to fight the best at 140. I can understand that he doesn't like Witter but it's a business and if Witter don't deserve a payday neither those the rest of the top 140 fighters. neither one of those guys has accomplished more than Witter. So that's a bullshit excuse. Normally when a fighter gets called out he responds by shuting the guys mouth and beating his ass. NOt by avoiding the fight at all costs. So Avoiding Witter and fighting someone like Gavin Rees will prove a point?:laughing: It will only show that Hatton shouldn't be called the best 140 champion anymore. Fuck what the ring magazine says. The only other option over Witter is Malignaggi. Anybody else and Hatton is ducking the best. opcorn:
well Hatton is still considered the best that's why people wanna fight him aside from the payday. Anybody can collect all the belts and Hatton will still be considered the best at 140. I think Hatton also has to fight the best. To remain the best you have to prove it. You don't get to cruise forever acting like nobody is worthy of fighting you.
Ricky should fight him and they both donate their purses to charity. I wish that would happen but it won't
"He says I have disrespected him but that's exactly what he did to Floyd Mayweather to get a fight with him." Witter has a point here...wtf is he supposed to do to get a fight? :dunno: bring Hatton flowers for years? dissing fighters to get them to fight you has been done throughout time who is hatton to now say this is the wrong approach? Witter pisses me off but I can admit that he is one of the only few guys hatton needs on his CV at 140 to prove he ever meant shit in the division :clap: Hatton is undergoing one of the biggest duckjobs ever here
hatton is being a bitch. the british fans gave hatton his money, and the british fans want hatton to fight witter.
Yep. Hatton even had Warren include a Witter fight in his contract at one stage The more Hatton avoids this fight, the more it elevates Witter's status (rightly or wrongly). Hatton has no excuse.
You guys are right. If the British people are demanding the fight then, yes Hatton should fight Witter. I don't know what the perception is over there. However, Hatton did bring way more to the table in fighting PBF, than Witter will fighting Hatton.