Apparently DH pulled out of the fight. Witter already bitched out Hopkins and his team for the apparant cowardice and as far as I know they never responded back, so it must be true. So now Witter is back on the Hatton express.
the wheels of meritocracy turn slowly in boxing... but at least they're turning. slowly witter's challenge to hatton is gaining more credibility. probably in about 18 months hatton would be ready to say "yes". let's just hope he isn't retired by then.
Hatton vs Lazcano do you approve? Lazcano is Witters sons son. Personally I think Hatton could have chosen a better opponent. Lazcano will make him look good. No doubt Hatton will get away with his hitting and holding strategy too. I've heard that Malignaggi might be fighting on the undercard too. It's on PPV in britain... HAHAHAHAHAHAAH, i will NOT be paying one dime. I won't even bother to download it. From now on, Hatton is only important if he is fighting Witter.
Hatton shouldn't fight his great grandson, he should fight a legitimate contender like Lazcano on his way to better things.
:doh: :: I was coming at it from the Lazcano angle per Attraction's first post...failed to see the other possibilities. ::
by your logic, he shouldn't fight his great grandson but he should fight his great great great grandson Hatton-Tszyu-Judah-Witter-Harris(liquidised)-Lazcano. pretty straightforward really
Who cares if it is his great great grandson. The bottom line is both Lazcano AND Jr. Shitter suck:kick:
Both are under contract to Oscar. Juan is past his prime, big, strong, and slow........... Hatton should by all rights cave him in with body shots before 6.
It's a shame HBO will waste a card on Hatton and Paulie fighting on the same card. One guy will be holding for his life and the other will be running for his.
this is a tune up fight. if hatton wins he fights maliganaggi. it would be a foolish managerial move if hatton were to fight someone like ricardo torres or kendall holt, risking a big pay day at the garden.
well, hate all you want, but unlike witter, hatton's a marketable guy and a marquee name who doesnt need to fight mandatories. shit, he doesnt even need a belt at this point in his career.
REED Approves... Hatton's Getting BACK on the Saddle Again...Now, if Lazcano were Hatton's 2nd Fight Back, REED would have a Problem w/It... REED ps. Oh Yeah, Thanks for an ORIGINAL Topic, Attraction...
HBO tell Hatton to fuck off! They are refusing to show Hatton vs Lazcano!! BRILLIANT! Finally Hattons DUCKING of Witter catching up to him.
How many tickets did Hatton sell for the Lazcano fight? 35000-40000 in 48 hours, hopefully he doesn´t go broke. :: :: Though in all fairness Witter does similar numbers, 48 tickets in 35000 hours.