sure he will......first he had has to move up to 147 were he did very well against C+ level opponent Collazo...
We have kind of a prediction league here...maybe you can join and show your wisdom...and good luckynessim in predictions
I hate both Hatton and Floyd, one for his style the other because his an ass. If those two fight, after watching the hook and hold style, I think I'll root for Floyd.
kotelnik would beat Zab quite easily. junior fought that fighgt on 9 days notice and he was a novice at the time. Witter wants the big fights unlike hook n hold hatton who selectively chooses his opponents and has been ducking junior for 8 years. lets see them fight next? no because hatton is a ducking cunt. "I'll fight Witter when he gets a belt". Hello? Who is the WBC champ? junior would ktfo zab now easily
Hatton vs Witter (Who wins) This only goes to people who have seen the actual Harris vs Witter fight. WHO do you think wins? Hook n Hold Hatton or Junior Witter? Personally I can only see Witter liquidating Hatton. Probably very early. Hook n hold will go DOWN! Witter KO2
For a while I thought Witter. Despite the fact that Witter's been winning in his biggest fights, Hatton's style would beat Witter's.
it's clear now what attraction's pick is for all of witter's future fights - witter KO2. i'd go with Hatton via decision. hatton would've fucked harris up too.
I give Witter the nod here....too fast and hits too hard. Hatton will get caught with a thunderous counter and stop his agression. Witter UD12 I'm a believer now, Witter is the best the division has to offer :bears:
Witter vs Prime Mike Tyson? KO2 Witter vs prime Roy Jones? KO2 Witter vs prime Tito Trinidad? KO1 Witter vs prime Ray Leonard? KO2 Witter vs prime Evander Holyfield? KO2
Because Witter and Tito use the same handwraps...everyone else would object to Witter's handwraps. BTW...Witter knocks out those guys...not the other way around.
oh, i looked at it wrong. i was gonna say, tyson and holyfield knocks him out in less than 20 seconds.
Witter's speed might give Hatton problems early, but no way does he stop Hatton - definately not at 140lb. If Witter could keep up the accurate pot-shotting for 12 rounds against a non-stop punching machine like Hatton, then he can beat anyone at 140lb.
i can actually see witter giving mayweather a difficult fight. witter at this point is a better fighter than judah was when he fought mayweather.
Based ON???:dunno: ... REED isn't Necessarily DISagreeing w/U,but @ the Same Time, Judah BEAT Witter...Sure,Witter's a BETTER Fighter now,but is he Soooooooo MUCH Better that we can Just ASSUME that he's BETTER than Zab Now???... It's VERY Difficult for REED to just ASSume that Witter is BETTER than the Zab who DROPPED Floyd & was LEADING after 4-5 Rounds...ESPECIALLY Since Zab BEAT Witter,Head to Head... REED
i guess it's arguable. i dont even really count their first fight. witter took the fight on a week notice and only had less than 20 fights. zab had already been a world champ by then. plus, zab lost to carlos freaking baldomir and also looked like complete shit in the process. he had his moments early on against floyd, but the fight was over after that 4th round. he landd some vicious shots against cotto, but again, how many rounds did he win? 2? judah might beat witter at 147, but right now, witter is at the top of his game and has notched up some decent wins.