Overrated because of clearing out weak opposition with short longevity for obvious reasons, and losing against the best competition that fell outside the protected "prime" career. Underrated because of his ducking in which he might have won given his "attributes" despite his "past-prime" status.
dsimon writes: :: Unfortunately the Holmes haters seize upon this fight at times and that is indeed....annoying.
Does Holmes even have haters?:: I never got the feeling folks cared about him one way or the other. The most I ever see folks talk about him is in relation to Ali or Tyson....almost never directly about Holmes himself.
I dislike Holmes. Though I did get a kick out of him saying that Howard Cosell tried to molest him at the dinner table.
Apart from Ruddock, give me some truly class A fighters that Tyson beat. Bruno? Mercer, Frazier Jnr, OTH Spinks and Holmes. Bums and old men. Tyson is a myth. Washed up in his early twenties and a joke by 30.
I hate Holmes (in a boxing message board sense ). I always wanted the other guy to win, whether it was Cooney, Witherspoon, Smith, Spinks or whatever. You better believe that the night Michael Spinks denied Larry the chance to equal Marciano's record was among the happiest boxing nights for me since I started watching the sport. The Only night that was better...was when Tyson crucified him...in a long torturous 4th round. Holmes experienced....PAIN!
You have to give it to Holmes though. In the pre-fight press conferences, he called Tyson's future exactly as it turned out.
He beat good fighters but I think people are overreacting just because I made a claim that an on-form Wladimir could give him a lot of trouble. Unfortunately the guys on here can't seem to get past the Sanders and Brewster fights, despite the fact that Tyson is so much smaller than Wlad and would need to be at his best to take him on if you look at it logically. Wlad's style combined with his immense size vs Tyson's style combined with his smaller size is actually a very tough match to call if you really look at it in an unbiased manner. Wlad's long ramrod jab vs Tyson's short but powerful jab, Wlad 6'6 vs Tyson 5'9, Wlad 250lbs vs Tyson 218lbs or so. Wlad, left and right hand punching power, throws off the jab(busy and top notch jab) and can clinch very well at the sign of trouble. Great short left hook, awesome straight right hand. I don't get why people are so bent out of shape about it.:dunno:
I know Hanzy is a Tyson Hater and all.. but I don't even believe anyone really thinks a WLAD would beat a prime Mike :: Mike's peek-a-boo, side to side head and quick advance to the inside would actually make Wlad not even able to hit him. Mike would tear him up inside of 4 rounds. as someone said.. look at Holmes.. his height and reach and MUCH better boxing than Wlad did him little good. Mike in his PRIME was just TOO fast!
dsimon writes: Indifference can be even more cruel. What used to piss Holmes off to no end was the characterization that he was a copy if Ali. Holmes may have learned some things from Ali but he was definitely a different fighter. IMO Ali had the type of natural ability of a guy like Jones while Holmes had the technical skills of a guy like Mayweather. What is nice is that history seems to have been kind enough for people to start to give holmes some credit. Holmes lateral movement was second to none and his jab was one of the best.
dsimon writes: Whats to hate about holmes? The guy was fabulous in the ring and a character outside the ring. His batman jump at page was hillarious. And Holmes even had the virtue of not giving all his money to Don King.
Holmes has/had a LOT of haters... he was somewhat of an ego-manic He is a smart guy though, everytime Holmes won a fight, he bought a piece of property, he owns half of Easten!
dsimonwrites: I wouldn't use the Holmes fight for anything, being that Holmes was well past if but brother lok you are absolutely right about what Tyson would do to Vlad. The fight would not last a round imo. Vlad struggles with the slow skillless bum known as Peter... Tyson would have eaten him alive.